awatif kamal [عــضو مــبـتدئ ||~
~][ الجنٍسَ ][~ : ~][ عدد المشاركات ][~ : 38 ~][ تاريخ الميلاد ][~ : 10/02/1995 ~][ تاريخ التسجيل ][~ : 17/02/2010 ~][ العمر ][~ : 29 ~][ العٍملً ][~ : student
| موضوع: Some articles were written about lara - عدة مقالات كتبت عن لارا اسكندر الأحد مايو 02, 2010 7:13 am | |
| Time out Beirut : Lara Scandar Skyrockets
When did you first get started with music? I grew up in a musical home. My father, mother and grandfather all sing as a hobby. Music was played from dusk till dawn in my house. I used to sing for the love of music. Technically speaking, I actually started singing before I could speak. I was always humming to songs and making sounds in line with nursery rhymes. My dad took me to a studio when I was just 3 and a half and recorded a version of a Disney song.
What about your own music? I started writing my own songs when I was 12. I’m not the kind of person who can talk about her feelings, so it was like a kind of therapy for me. It started as words and lines, then developed to poems, then songs. I’ve always loved music, but I didn’t take myself seriously.
So was Star Academy kind of like boot camp? I was a die-hard star academy fan - sometimes I used to travel just to see the prime. I always thought I would audition, but I had a problem with Arabic singing. I was too young, and they weren’t accepting non-Arabic singers at the time, but the third season gave me a push. I graduated from high school. I tried out and got on the show that I had been watching for 5 years.
And now you have your newsingle, ‘Mission is You’. How did you meet Jean-Marie? He just started flipping through the show and saw my performances. Luckily, he contacted meafter I got out of the academy. As soon as I heard who it was, I was just like ‘yes’. We met at a studio a couple of times and he got me a few tracks. ‘Mission is You’ was not written by me – Jean Marie received these songs and we managed to give it our own flavour. The song was originally very much a pop song. We gave it a bit of an oriental twist and added arabesque sounds. I’m very blessed for everything – my family, Jean Marie, everything. _____________________________________________________________________________________
موقع بكرا لارا اسكندر تشارك معجبيها في بيروت فرحتها!
إحتفلت نجمة ستار أكاديمي 6 الفنانة المصرية لارا اسكندر في بيروت، اطلاق أغنيتها الأولى Mission is you هذا وصدرت الأغنية في البوم غنائي حلم العديد من الأغنيات.
أغنية Mission is you والأغنية من كلمات لارا ومن توزيع وإنتاج جان ماري رياشي وصورتها لارا بطريقة الفيديو كليب في لوس انجلوس مع المخرج النرويجي راي كاي الذي تعاون قبلاً مع بيونسي وليدي غاغا.
ومن جانبها عبرت لارا عن سعادتها لاستقبال وحب الجمهور لها، وأكّدت أنها تعمل في الفترة القادمة على ألبومها الأول والذي سيضم عددًا من الأغنيات التي كتبتها بنفسها ____________________________________________________________________________________
أزياء وعطور هل تريدين الحصول على لوك لارا اسكندر؟
تألقت نجمة ستار أكاديمي 6 لارا اسكندريوم السبت الماضي أثناء لقائها مع معجبيها في بيروت. فبدت جذابة وأنيقة بسلاسل ذهبية صفراء من تصميم ال-Cooper Sisters (منتج جديد تعتبر لارا نفسها من عشاقه) وضعتها حول عنقها وجبينها. ولإضافة رونقاً مميزاً من الأسفل، انتعلت لارا حذاءً مخملي بمستوى الكاحل وردي اللون تماشى تماماً مع سروالها الجينز البسيط وسترتها القطنية السوداء ______________________________________________________________________________________
جريدة الصباح لارا اسكندر تحتفل بإطلاق أغنيتها الأولى في بيروت
احتفلت نجمة ستار أكاديمي 6 الفنانة المصرية لارا اسكندر في بيروت، وبحضور الموزع اللبناني جان ماري رياشي بإطلاق أغنيتها الأولى Mission is you، التي صدرت ضمن ألبوم غنائي يضم تلك الأغنية، إضافة إلى 2 ريمكس. أغنية Mission is you من كلمات لارا ومن توزيع وإنتاج جان ماري رياشي وصورتها لارا بطريقة الفيديو كليب في لوس انجلوس مع المخرج النرويجي راي كاي الذي تعاون قبلاً مع بيونسي و ليدي غاغا. ومن جانبها عبرت لارا عن سعادتها لاستقبال وحب الجمهور لها، وأكّدت أنها تعمل في الفترة القادمة على ألبومها الأول والذي سيضم عددًا من الأغنيات التي كتبتها بنفسها. أما جان ماري رياشي فاعتبر لارا موهبة فنية متميزة، تستطيع بمهارة إمتلاك المسرح بصوتها وثقتها بنفسها. ___________________________________________________________________________________
جريدة أخبار الاردن لارا إسكندر: لست معتادة على الغناء باللغة العربية
أطلقت لارا إسكندر إحدى خريجات "ستار اكاديمي 6 " أغنيتها " mission is you" وهي باللغة الإنكليزية ، ومن كلمات وألحان شركة فرنسية وتوزيع الموزع الموسيقي اللبناني جان ماري رياشي. وتم تصوير الأغنية في لوس انجلس مع المخرج النرويجي ريكي" لارا والتي اقامت حفل إطلاق لأغنيبتها في مصر ودبي وأخيرًا في بيروت، صرحت لإيلاف بأنها اختارت أن تكون أولى اغنياتها باللغة الإنكليزية لأنها تميزت بهذا اللون في الأكاديمية، والناس عرفتها باللون الغربي. وأضافت :"بعضهم عندما يرى فنانًا عربيًّا يقدم أغنية بالإنكليزية يعتبر ذلك أمرًا غريبًا، لكن الناس احبتني كذلك. ونفت أن يكون إختيارها الغناء بالإنكليزية هربًا من عدم إجادتها للغة العربية وصرحت بانها غير معتادة على الغناء بالعربي وليس لانها لا تجيد ذلك، وهناك فرق. مؤكدة انها مستقبلاً لن تقدم فقط اللون الغربي بل ستغني العربي أيضًا ، لكنها فضلت أن تبدأ باللون الذي ترتاح له. لارا لا تعتبر نفسها تأخرت بعد خروجها من الأكاديمية بإصدار هذا "السينغل" ولكن اخذت وقتها ، إذا يوجد كثيرين يبقون سنتين أو ثلاثة حتى يصدروا اغنيات لهم بعد الأكاديمية . وعبرت عن سعادتها بالتعاون مع المخرج النرويجي ريكي الذي صور لها أغنيتها لانه مخرج عمل مع بيونسية وليدي غاغا .. وصرحت بأنها حاليًّا لا تفكر بخوض مجال التمثيل على الرغم من العروض الكثيرة التي تلقتها وتفضل أن تركز على الموسيقى والغناء ومستقبلاً قد تفكر في الأمر . ____________________________________________________________________________________
Lara scandar : a new star is born
You don’t have to win a reality show to earn yourself a record deal. Runners-up can do just as well clawing their way into the music charts. Look at Susan Boyle, JLS or Adam Lambert. None of them won their shows, and yet their musical efforts float out across the airwaves.
Lara Scandar, 19, is a name you may be able to soon bracket alongside them. The Egyptian teenager was a finalist in the last season of the pan-Arab television show Star Academy, similar in format to the British Fame Academy, where contestants all live together, perform in a weekly prime-time show, via which their numbers are slowly picked off by voting viewers.
Scandar came fifth in the last season. But eight months on, she has just launched her first single in her home city of Cairo and has arrived in Dubai for a UAE launch before jetting on to Beirut for more of the same. All of this, and yet she still faces another three years of study at the American University of Cairo.
“I’m so sorry I’m late. I was in class,” she says breathlessly down the telephone during a break in her university timetable. It couldn’t matter a bit, but she is genuinely apologetic. There’s no trace of a budding diva.
Mission Is You is the title of her first single, written by a European production house and produced by Jean-Marie Bianchi, most well-known for his work with the Arabic artists Majida El Roumy, Elissa, Nawal Al Zoghbi and Haifa. “ I usually write my own songs, but because of how much I loved it I just really didn’t care that it wasn’t by me. It’s really fun,” she says.
It was Bianchi’s name that attracted another big shot to the billing: Ray Kay. He is a Norwegian film director, famous for having directed Lady Gaga’s Poker Face video. His CV also includes names such as Beyoncé, Ciara, the Backstreet Boys and Jadakiss. “When I was told I had the chance of shooting my first video with him I just went crazy,” says Scandar. “He sent us a storyboard and I liked it straight away because it was very simple.”
___________________________________________________________________________________ النشرة "لارا اسكندر" تغني بالاجنبي لانها غير معتادة على العربي
اشارت الفنانة "لارا اسكندر" التي تخرّجت من برنامج "ستار اكاديمي" الموسم 6، الى انها اختارت ان تكون اغنيتها الاولى باللغة الانغليزية "mission is you" لأنها تميزت بهذا اللون في الأكاديمية والناس عرفتها باللون الغربي. كما اعتبرت ان البعض عندما يرى فناناً عربياً يقدّم اغنية بالانغليزية يعتبره امراً غريباً لكنها اضافت ان الناس احبتها كذلك. من جهة اخرى، نفت "لارا" ان يكون اختيارها الغناء بالانغليزية سببه عدم اجادتها للغة العربية واكّدت انها غير معتادة على الغناء بالعربي وليس انها لا تجيد ذلك واشارت الى ان هناك فرقاً. بالاضافة الى انها اكّدت انها ستقدّم في المستقبل اللون العربي الى جانب الغربي ولكنها فضلت ان تبدأ باللون الذي ترتاح له. وقد اكّد المنتج "جان ماري رياشي" انه يعمل مع "لارا" كمنتج فقط وليس كمدير اعمال لانها ليست مهنته. موضحاً انه فضّل ان يطلق "لارا" بأغنية انغليزية لان السوق بحاجة إلى عمل باللغة الأجنبية والكثير من الفنانين يغنون بالعربية، كما ان المراهقين يحبون الأغاني الغربية لذلك فضلنا أن نقدم له أغنية إنغليزية بنكهة شرقية. موضحاً انه لا يراهن على "لارا"بشيء لكنه لم يجد أفضل منها لتقديم هذا اللون معتبراً ان العمل باللغة الاجنبية اسهل من العربية لأنه يعتمد على البحث عن الأصوات الموسيقية ولا توجد فيه "عجقة" الآلات العربية والأنغام. يذكر ان "جان ماري رياشي" يضع حاليًا اللمسات النهائية على البوم الفنانة "ماجدة الرومي" والفنان "رامي عياش" ويستعد أيضا لإصدار "سي دي" جديد له ___________________________________________________________________________________
House of music : music videos : lara scandar ; mission is you !
As all of you might not know her except for the arabic people out there. Lara Scandar was in Star Academy Lebanon which is the arabic version of Star Academy France or American Idol. Just to be clear, she doesn't have a good voice but i posted it cause i like the song and the video. Please tell Me what you think ?! Also i'll be posting all the videos where the participants of the new season will sing some good songs. So keep up with blog. __________________________________________________________________________________
shakira media forums : Lara Scandar, a rising artist from Egypt :
Lara Scandar is a new Egyptian artist; she recently released her album and single titled Mission Is You. She participated in the reality tv show Star Academy 6 (Middle Eastern version) last year. Although she didn't win, she had a great talent, being able to dance and sing at the same time. She learned Ballet dancing and HipHop dancing since her childhood.. She was one of the acts that performed songs in foreign language (the show is mainly in arabic, but they let in some acts that sing english or french.. and she can sing english, french, and italian) I think now she's 20 y.o. It is rare that acts from this show can release their album that fast, even the winners struggle to do it sometime, not getting production companies deals... She worked with Jean-Marie Riachi, a Lebanese arranger and composer, who has his own studio, and since he saw a star in her, he decided to work with her.. Her debut single [a cover single for the asian artist Tata Young] was directed by Ray Kay (Poker Face director) _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________
Lara Scandar's 3rd release of Mission is you, Lebanon
بعد إطلاق أغنيتها “mission is you” في القاهرة ودبي , أطلقت نجمة ستار أكاديمي 6 لارا أسكندر أغنيتها في لبنان بحضور عدد كبير من أهل الصحافة والأصدقاء بالإضافة الى مشاركة أهلها وأساتذة ستار أكاديمي مثل جورج عساف , فؤاد وميشال فاضل , مدام ميري , خليل والأستاذ السابق وديع أبي رعد بالإضافة الى حضور النجمة صوفيا المريخ والنجم ناظم عزالدين والنجم محمد باش والموزع الموسيقي جان ماري رياشي الذي كان الاعب الأساسي في نجاح هذا العمل حيث كان من الافت في هذا الحفل حضور الفنانة شيرين عبدالوهاب التي أتت خصيصا من مصر لتشارك لارا فرحتها حيث كان من الافت أنها حامل وقد صرحت لخبرعاجل أنها في الشهر الخامس وأن مولودتها القادمة هي فتاة لكنها لا تعرف حتى الأن ما الإسم التي ستطلقه عليها.أغنية “mission is you” هي أول سينغل للنجمة لارا اسكندر وهو من إخراج المخرج Ray Kay الذي يعتبر من أهم المخرجين العالميين حيث أخرج لكبار فناني العالم أمثال Beyonce , Christina Aguilera وغيرهم أم توزيع الأغنية فكان للأستاذ جان ماري رياشي الذي صرح لخبرعاجل بأن موهبة لارا هي التي دفعته لتوزيع هذا العمل ودعمها لأنها فنانة شاملة ولديها الموهبة واللون الغربي الذي هو بجديد على الساحة العربية.كما صرحت لارا لخبرعاجل بأنها سعيدة بهذا العمل وتتمنى أن يكون أولى نجاحاتها وشكرت كل من ساهم بإنجاح هذا العمل وكل من شاركها هذه الفرحة.ومن ناحية ثانية أجرت خبرعاجل لقاء حصري مع النجم محمد باش الذي صرح بأنه سعيد بنجاح أول عمل للارا حيث تمنى لها التوفيق ووعد جمهوره بسينجل قريبا جدا. ______________________________________________________________________________________
Khaleeg times online : On a mission
Lara Scandar performed in front of millions on Star Academy and has now put herself in the spotlight again with the release of her latest single, Mission Is You
IT WAS DIFFICULT to predict what to expect when meeting Lara Scandar, the 19-year-old singer best known from her stint on Star Academy. Her appearance on the show, where she made the semi-finals, was unlike any previous contestants’.
Based in Lebanon and mixing the Big Brother and American Idol reality formats, Star Academy provides four months of compelling television - showcasing every aspect of the audition to pop star process with Arab contestants, in Arabic for an Arabic audience. Unconventionally, Lara performed every song during the elimination segments of the show in English and would be the first to admit that she was rather quiet at first in the reality stages as a result of her lack of confidence in the Arabic language.
Despite these quirks and her youth, she prevailed and was the final Egyptian (the contestants are from all over the Middle East) left in the competition. It is this unconventional vibe combined with a supreme amount of confidence that immediately resonates from the singer. Dashed were the expectations of spending time with just another ditzy reality star when, after being asked as an icebreaker, she revealed her hobbies. “I like being at home,” replied the level-headed teenager. “I’m not the type of person that likes to go out that much. I’m always promoting at the moment so when I get home I like to stay there. I stay in my room a lot and write songs or listen to music. I also love photography and taking pictures so I go through those a lot too. I never leave home without my camera.”
Lara hails from an incredibly creative family. Her father’s passion is singing and her sister is a budding dancer and artist. It is the mix of cultures in her life that Lara attributes to the artistic flare running through her family unit. Being born and raised in California to a half Egyptian/ half Italian father and Lebanese mother, Lara concedes she is more of an international resident but is proud of being labelled and calls herself Egyptian. She maintains that, along with her father’s nationality, this is because she resided in Cairo for quite some time - a city she embraces and thinks of as home.
Lara also likes to bring the mixture of influences in her life to her music. Blending Eastern and Western styles, Lara’s first single since leaving Star Academy is called Mission Is You, a three-track record including the original, an urban mix and an instrumental version. “It’s a really upbeat song and the chorus is really catchy, I like it a lot,” Lara said. “We added many Oriental instruments and oud beats so, although it’s a song in English, it reflects my Egyptian heritage.
“The lyrics and everything about it are really upbeat. It’s about a girl on a mission to get the guy she has her eye on. It’s a song everyone can relate to in a way.”
Despite Lara’s fervour for her new song she is equally as inclined to talk about her time in Star Academy, as she recognises that without the show it would have been difficult to enter the business with such aplomb. At the age of 12 Lara recorded a song titled You Played Me that, whilst receiving positive reviews, did not garner as much attention as her current release. “I owe this moment to Star Academy,” Lara said with a smile. “I started watching the programme from the very first season and am a huge fan. It has given me everything and taught me so much.” Lara added that her four-month journey on the show gave her the opportunity to grow as a person, being exposed to various cultures and being surrounded by every aspect of show business. It was the time away from her family, however, that Lara struggled with despite the support her parents continued to provide as they had throughout her entire life.
“My parents are very proud of me and very supportive. It was a dream come true for my father that I was on a show about singing. They flew from Cairo to Beirut every single week for four months. They travel everywhere with me now too.”
Throughout Star Academy Lara could be seen constantly writing new material and trying it out with the fellow contestants. She possesses an extraordinary talent when it comes to penning music, which meant it came as a bit of a surprise when she told us Mission Is You was originally someone else’s material. Lara reasoned, “I see nothing wrong with singing other peoples’ songs. I always wanted my first single to be my own but when I heard this I loved it so much that I didn’t care. My future work will be completely my own but something told me I just had to go for this one. I really felt it was the right decision” And was it the right decision to release her first song in English when most of her fan base speaks Arabic? “The fact it is in English is also a conscious decision I made, as people have accepted me as an Egyptian artist who performs in English. It’s true most of my fans don’t speak English, but like the music anyway and it’s songs such as mine show that Egypt is not a monophonic country but a land of many different peoples and ideas.”
The question therefore had to be put forward whether she would ever release an album solely in Arabic. “I would love to sing in Arabic but the technique is very different. I will release one or two songs on my upcoming album in Arabic but I would rather work on my language skills and become more comfortable than jump right in and do a whole album in it.”
Mission Is You, despite its East meets West credentials, is firmly planted in the R&B/ pop camp. It is not unusual for a 19-year-old to take such a route, especially when she counts Christina Aguilera as one of her greatest influences, but her heroes also include Ella Fitzgerald and Michael Buble due to his embrace of old fashioned music styles. Can Lara therefore see a musical change of direction in the future? “Pop is what I like and relate to, but I am 19 and have only just started. I may experiment later on.” In regards to the future in general Lara concluded by saying, “I just like to live for the moment and not look too far ahead. I’m working hard to be better in the future but I don’t want to look beyond the album. It’s a great time and I hope it continues.”
Mission Is You is available now at Virgin Megastores across the Middle East.
Lara is in a musical path :
The singer has just released her single Mission Is You and it's a great start for a 19-year-old
Sometimes a single event can change life in ways we never expect. This is what happened to Lara Scandar, a young Egyptian singer who was able to pursue her dreams thanks to the famous Lebanese talent show Star Academy 6.
Scandar's mixed origins proved to be a big advantage during the Arabic talent show, because it allowed her to stand out from the crowd and be recognised for her unique talent. Born to an Egyptian father of Italian origin and a Lebanese mother who is born and raised in Egypt, the young singer says she's very proud of her heritage and wants her music to reflect it. "I'm very proud of where I come from and I like to infuse it into my music. I mostly sing Western songs, but since I'm also Egyptian/Lebanese, I try to include that in my music. Star Academy was the perfect place to start," she says.
The singer, who is just 19, leads a normal life, attending school and sitting for exams. She's still not used to fame.
"This is something new and I don't understand it completely. Everything that happened put me on pause and I'm not sure of what's going on. That's a good way to keep thinking because when you become too confident about what you're going through, your head gets a bit too big. So I like the fact that I'm lost. It keeps me grounded."
Different isn't bad
Scandar who lost by only four per cent of the votes during the semi-finals, says she has always been very confident about her talent and says choosing to sing in English proved to be an advantage. She was the only one to sing in English, so in a way she wasn't competing with anyone. "I think that people everywhere are afraid of change. They are afraid of doing something different (which in my case is my music) and they automatically associate ‘different' with bad."
After Star Academy, Scandar was chosen by renowned producer Jean-Marie Riachi for the new single Mission Is You. "It was an honour to work with a producer like Riachi," says Scandar. "I was a bit nervous at first but you can't stay nervous for long when you're living the dream of your life."
Riachi believes the Star Academy finalist is someone Arab teenagers can relate to. "A nice song is not enough anymore," he was quoted as saying, "Teenagers nowadays look for a fashion icon, someone who can dance and move on stage, someone they can look up to."
And Scandar had all that. For her first video, she was offered the chance to work with Ray Kay, the director of Lady Gaga's Poker Face. This was an offer she couldn't refuse. The video was shot in Los Angeles and Scandar describes the experience as "amazing".
Working with Ray Kay was a great achievement for a singer who aspires to become an international artist and at the same time wishes to project a different image. "I am working to international standards and I hope that one day, I can make it big. It will take a long time, but this is not the only motive for doing this. I want to contribute to both the Western and Eastern world."
Scandar is now working on her new album which is still in the "brainstorming" stage. The album will include songs from her portfolio as well as new ones. It will also feature some Arabic tracks. "Everybody has been asking about them, so I guess I'll give them what they want," she says.
The album, says Scandar, will take some time and this will give her a chance to work on her Arabic. "It will take a lot of experimenting and risk, but I'm ready to do it."
To celebrate the debut of her single, Star Academy organised a party in Cairo and invited contestants from different series. Superstar Haifa Wehbe, Riachi and Scandar's close friend Mohammad Bash were also present.
Scandar and Bash have been a hot topic since the beginning of Star Academy 6. So, what's the true story?
According to the singer, Mohammad Bash is one of the people she can relate to. "In a competitive environment, away from parents and friends, people aren't always attentive to your needs," she explains. "So when you find someone who cares about you as a person and not because of the competition, you really become close."
The two also became good friends because they were paired up together, since he also sang in English. "I'm a really huge fan of his. I love his voice," she says.
Sadly, the rumoured love story ends here. Now the Star Academy finalist is focused exclusively on her career and is not interested in a relationship.
"There are only a few people who like you for who you are. And for that I have my family, a small group of friends and that's all that matters to me," she says. "My parents and my sister are very important to me. They give me the confidence to grow and succeed. "They travel with me everywhere and they take decisions for me. In fact, they remind me of who I am and I'm grateful for that."
Scandar is now figuring out how to strike a balance between her developing career and her life as a singer. She had to take time off school to shoot her video this year and the coming year might be even tougher as she'll be preparing for her first album.
"I just want to know how to maintain a balance and hopefully I'll be able to succeed. I know that music here is a difficult field, but I'm ready for a change," she smiles.
مقدمة أغنيتها الأولى من تلحين جان - ماري رياشي لارا اسكندر: فئة الشباب هدفي الأول
290')" border="0" width="160"'> المجال الفني صعب
أحب الإعلام أرتاح الى الغناء بالانكليزية بدأت مسيرة لارا اسكندر الفنية منذ نعومة أظفارها إذ اكتشف والداها أن ميلها الفني ليس مجرد مرحلة عابرة في حياتها. في سن الحادية عشر بدأت تكتب الأغاني وتشارك في كل الإحتفالات المدرسية والحفلات الخاصة بين الأصدقاء وكان الجميع يلحظ موهبتها وشغفها الموسيقي. لارا اسكندر هي الفتاة المصرية التي تعرّفنا اليها في برنامج "ستار أكاديمي 6" حيث لفتت الإنتباه منذ إعلان بدء البرنامج بغنائها الغربي ورقصها على المسرح بشكل عصري. وقد حصدت جماهيرية كبيرة خلال عرض البرنامج وخصوصاً أن إدارة البرنامج سمتها خمس مرات إلا أن الجمهور كان يعيدها بعد نيلها نسبة تصويت عالية. ورغم خروجها من البرنامج قبل المرحلة نصف النهائية إلا أنها لفتت إنتباه أحد أبرز الموسيقيين في لبنان وهو الفنان جان - ماري رياشي الذي قرر تبنيها فنياً ومتابعتها. بعد عام على انتهاء برنامج "ستار أكاديمي" تعود لارا اسكندر اليوم بأغنيتها الأولى بعنوان Mission is u وبعد جولة توقيعها الأغنية بين معجبيها في مصر ثم دبي، زارت لبنان واحتفلت مع معجبيها بإنطلاق مسيرتها الغنائية. "الدليل" التقاها وكان هذا الحوار:
* أين كنت خلال هذه الغيبة وإلى أي حد كانت لك حرية اختيار أغنيتك الأولى؟ - غبت نحو عام وخلال هذه الفترة كنت أحضّر عملي الأول، ولا أجد أني تأخرت بقدر ما أخذت وقتي لأقدّم ما يرضيني. أما بالنسبة الى العمل الأول فكان لي كامل الحرية لإختيار أغنيتي الأولى. * هل وجدت صعوبة في اختيار أغنيتك الأولى التي ستحدد مسارك الفني؟ - طبعاً الأمر لم يكن سهلاً ولطالما ظننت أن أغنيتي الأولى ستكون من كلماتي لكني أعجبت كثيراً بالأغنية التي عرضها عليّ جان - ماري رياشي من ضمن سلسلة أغان. * تعلمين أنك محظوظة بتعاونك مع جان - ماري رياشي في بداياتك؟ - أكيد لأن جان - ماري فنان كبير وتعاون مع أهم الفنانين. وأرى أني محظوظة لأنه اختصر طريقي الفني ولولاه لربما احتجت الى سنتين كي أبدأ. * وكيف تمّ التعارف بينكما؟ - عندما خرجت من البرنامج وقبل أن أبدأ بالتفكير ماذا سأفعل تلقيت اتصالاً منه يطلب مني التعاون معه ووافقت على الفور من دون تردد. * لماذا اخترت أغنيتك الأولى باللغة الإنكليزية؟ - الجمهور ألِفني وأحبني في "ستار أكاديمي" لأني كنت أغني الغربي، ثم أنا أرتاح مع اللغة الإنكليزية. ومن خلال جان - ماري رياشي عُرضت عليّ مجموعة أغان من production house في فرنسا وقد اخترت Mission is u لأنها أعجبتني كثيراً من ناحية الموسيقى والموضوع. * ما الذي جذبك إلى الأغنية؟ - موسيقاها فهي من نوع البوب وأرى أني من خلالها يمكن أن أصل إلى فئة الشباب التي هي هدفي بشكل خاص. * تصوير الأغنية لم يكن عادياً وقد تعاملت مع المخرج العالمي Ray Kay؟ - منذ زمن أتابع هذا المخرج الذي تعاون مع بيونسيه وليدي غاغا وغيرهما. لقد سافرنا إلى لوس أنجلس خلال عشرة أيام وتم تصوير الأغنية على مدى يومين. وأنا راضية جداً عن الكليب لأنه يشبهني بما أنه تضمن مشاهد راقصة إضافة إلى تمثيل "الكليب ده كان أجمل تجربة في حياتي". * أرى أن هدفك العالمية؟ - ليس هدفي العالمية بقدر ما أسعى الى أن يكون عملي على مستوى عالمي. بصراحة يهمني بالدرجة الأولى الجمهور العربي وفي ما بعد العالمية، وخصوصاً أن جان - ماري يعمل على مستوى عالمي ولديه معارف في الخارج ويوماً ما ستكون العالمية الهدف التالي الذي سأسعى إليه. * كيف تقبل أهل بلدك مصر غناءك بالإنكليزية؟ - بصراحة فوجئت بتشجيعهم لي، والإحتفالية التي أقمناها في مصر كانت الأجمل وقد حضرها جمهور كبير وأغنيتي اليوم تبث على الإذاعات والتلفزيونات المصرية. * اليوم كيف تذكرين "ستار أكاديمي"؟ - طبعاً هو من أبرز التجارب في حياتي وقد أعطاني الكثير من الثقة بالنفس واكتشاف قدراتي الفنية والوقفة على المسرح والتعاطي مع الجمهور "كنت كل عمري بتفرج عليه وكنت أتمنى يجي اليوم اللي أشترك فيه". * بعد دخولك المجال الفني ما هي الصعوبات التي واجهتك؟ - المجال الفني صعب من دون شك لكنه يستحق، وعندما يصمم الإنسان يصل "الأمور صعبة عليي زيادة لأني في الجامعة وبقسّم وقتي". * تدرسين الإعلام في الجامعة لماذا هذا الإختصاص بالذات؟ - اخترت الإعلام لأني أحب هذا المجال وأرغب في فهمه بشكل أوضح. * ما هي خطتك للمرحلة المقبلة؟ - بدأنا بتحضير ألبوم كامل، لكن بما أن الأمر يستغرق وقتاً سنصدر أغنية منفردة جديدة بعد مدة ولا أدري إن كانت بالإنكليزية أو العربية. * مع من تتمنين التعامل؟ - أحب التعاون مع أمير طعيمة في مصر ولو اخترت الغناء بالعربي سأغني باللهجة المصرية لأنها أسهل عليّ. * أخيراً ماذا يعني الفن بالنسبة إليك؟ - أحب الفن لكن أؤمن فقط باللحظة التي أعيشها وقد يأتي يوم أبتعد فيه عن الفن وقد يحصل العكس... ببساطة أترك الأمور للمستقبل وأستمتع بكل لحظاتي. _____________________________________________________________________________________
the title was : Egyptian singing sensation kicks off regional tour in Cairo Single created by award winning team of producer Jean-Marie Riachi and director Ray Kay of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face
Star Academy’s favorite Egyptian talent, Lara Scandar launched her debut single ‘Mission is You’ today at a private event at Tamarai lounge in Cairo. The young star performed live for guests before unveiling her hotly-anticipated video by Ray Kay, the award-winning director-photographer of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face.
The event marked the start of Lara’s ‘Mission is You’ tour which sees the artist perform in Dubai and Beirut followed by personal appearances at Virgin Megastores.
‘Mission is You’ is the first single to be released by Lara Scandar and was produced by the legendary Jean-Marie Riachi, best known for his work with Arabic artists; Magida Al Roumy, Elissa, Nawal Al Zoughbi and Haifa Wehbeh. Recorded over a 3 month period taking the duo between Beirut and LA, the single contains elements that showcase Lara’s distinctive East-meets-West hybrid musical style.
Commenting on the experience Lara Scandar said: “Working with Jean-Marie on this single was truly remarkable. He is a master of composition and production and has an ear for music like no other. As soon as I heard ‘Mission is You’ I knew it was for me because of the fun and upbeat tempo. It is pop, infused with the melodic and rhythmic structures found in Arabic music. I’m excited for my fans to finally hear it.”
Singing has always been a part of Lara Scandar’s life. She started performing at the tender age of four and by the time she was 12 she had written her first single ‘You Played Me’, recording it one year later.
A finalist on season 6 of the talent show Star Academy, Lara garnered a large fan base across the Middle East. She attracted thousands of first-time viewers from Egypt which resulted in the show’s bumper ratings. With her powerful singing voice and inimitable stage presence, Lara not only advanced to the semi-finals; she was spotted by Riachi who later signed on as her producer.
“After watching Lara on Star Academy I knew she had the talent to make it as a star. She had the voice, the stage presence and the confidence - and I wanted to work with her to make it happen,” said Jean-Marie Riachi.
“We came together after the show and started working on ‘Mission is You’. Lara immediately proved to be the ultimate professional offering thoughts and input on the arrangement and tone of the song in order to make it work for her. The final product is a single that represents Lara Scandar and the type of music she wants to create and perform.”
The video for Lara’s debut single was directed by Ray Kay (Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face”, Beyonce’s “Freakum Dress” and Enrique Iglesias ft Ciara (“Taken Back My Love”) and shot on the streets of Los Angeles. It tells the story of a girl (Lara Scandar) on a mission to find the perfect guy. Fans can check it out at [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] /> Commenting on the video direction Riachi said: “We put together the best teams from Beirut to LA to create the ‘Mission is You’. Ray Kay is a cinematic genius and I was honoured to have his vision and direction for the video. Our goal is to make this one of the biggest debut singles to hit the Middle East.” ‘Mission is You’ falls under the Voice of Art (VOA) brand – an all encompassing music agency which includes; production, publishing, artist development and hospitality partnerships. ________________________________________________________________________________ | |